On Tue, May 24, 2005 at 12:57:08PM +0000, James wrote

> Well, I'm sure we all have different preferences, but, I've been
> running "-O3" on 6 systems (PIII, (2)P4, P4 w/ HT, and (2)Athlons)
> with no problems for 8 months.
> My Athlons use: 
> CFLAGS="-O3 -march=athlon-xp -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe"
> stability has been rock solid...

  Back in my Redhat days (don't laugh, I used Windoze before that) I got
my feet wet in compiling/optimization thanks to Mozilla 0.9x.  Let's
just say that the standard i386 Mozilla binary was pa-a-a-a-a-ainfully
slow on my 450 mhz Dell with 128 megs of RAM.  That was where I started
pulling cvs, tweaking CFLAGS, etc.  I got Mozilla to the point where it
was actually usable in its custom-built form.  Most of the tweaks
helped, but -O3 was *BAD NEWS*.  If the compile didn't blow up, Mozilla
would crash mysteriously all the time.  A build with -O2 was much more
stable.  Since then, I've stayed with -O2.  What I've read since then
indicates that there is no point in -O3.

  One thing I've found out "the hard way" is that on a 400 mhz PII, even
MAKEPTS="-j2" can be too aggressive.  I was getting nowhere with an
install, things mysteriously blowing up, until someone suggested trying
MAKEPTS="-j1".  It worked like a charm.

  One thing I haven't seen mentioned in this discussion is cpu-specific
flags.  Try doing a "cat /proc/cpuinfo" and see which of the flags are
allowed in gcc.  mmx, mmx2, sse, sse2, sse3 and various other stuff will
speed things up.  If you have any version of sse, remember "-mfpmath=sse".
In addition to being valid CFLAGS, some of these items are valid USE
flags as well.

An infinite number of monkeys pounding away on keyboards will
eventually produce a report showing that Windows is more secure,
and has a lower TCO, than linux.
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