quoth the Antonio Souto:
> Hi Darren
> On 5/26/05, darren kirby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I was playing around with this, and it seems to be working fine for me.
> > Are
> > you using two different versions of sed? Any major differences between
> > the two systems? Identical scripts?
> The useflags are the same on both systems:
> # emerge -epv sed
> These are the packages that I would merge, in order:
> Calculating dependencies ...done!
> [ebuild N ] sys-devel/patch-2.5.9 -build -debug -static 0 kB
> [ebuild N ] sys-devel/gnuconfig-20050324 0 kB
> [ebuild N ] sys-devel/gettext-0.14.1-r1 -emacs +nls 0 kB
> [ebuild N ] sys-apps/sed-4.1.4 -bootstrap -build -debug +nls -static 0 kB
> So as for sed version:
> # sed --version
> GNU sed version 4.1.4
> The big differences are hardware & kernel:
> Working SED:
> Linux stallman 2.6.8-gentoo-r7 #7 Mon May 23 17:24:53 BRT 2005 i686
> Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.80GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
> Broked SED:
> Linux eden 2.6.11-gentoo-r9 #1 Sat May 21 18:01:34 BRST 2005 i686 AMD
> Athlon(TM) XP 2600+ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
> Both machines have Toll-Chains up2date...
> In any event, all the sed statement does is colourize the help output, so
> if
> > you just want the script to work you can change this line (line 94):
> >
> > cat <<END | help_fmt
> >
> > to:
> > cat <<END
> >
> > and it should work just fine for you. (I think ;))
> Probably, but my worries are about SED. If it starts failing my world will
> not make sense any more :/ (neither my scripts, that controls about
> everything at my lab)

My version I tested with is also 4.1.4
I just can't see this being the fault of sed here, for one to work and not the 
other just doesn't make sense.

Have you diffed the two different tcupdate scripts to be sure they are exactly 
the same? What about other sed scripts or one liners? Can you reproduce any 
other broken sed behavior?

As I mentioned, the version I downloaded (from the link you provided) did work 
fine, and the sed syntax was correct. The error message you reported makes me 
think that one of the sed statements in your misbehaving system is missing a 
'/' at the end of the line...

Sorry I cannot be more help. If still no joy maybe send a note to the sed 

Good luck...
darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 :: http://badcomputer.org
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

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