I faced a problem like this few weeks ago, it was a permission
problem, some files and directories used by Gnome (at the user's home)
had wrong permissions, all I had to do were some recursive chown and
chgrp and it all worked fine, dunno if its your problem, but you
should check it.

On 5/31/05, Holly Bostick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I can't stand it anymore, so I thought I'd fish here for ideas.
> The long and the short of it is that I cannot load the GNOME desktop as
> a user (works fine as root).
> The splash screen comes up, but only 2 icons show in the progress bar
> before the splash disappears-- Sessions, and Window manager, iirc.
> Already not good (no Nautilus, no Metacity, no gnome-panel...).
> Then the panel tries to come up, the panel backgrounds (currently set as
> the default top and bottom panels) display (empty), then disappear. This
> happens about 5 or 6 times (I suspect related to how many panel applets
> are attempting to load). No desktop appears, no panels load, right-click
> on the desktop produces no menu (since Nautilus isn't running,
> presumably) and since I don't know the GNOME shortcut key to open a Run
> Box, I pretty much have to Ctrl+Alt+Backspace out to GDM and load
> another WM.
> This happens with both the regular GNOME entry and the Failsafe GNOME entry.
> I have deleted ~/.gconf, ~/.gconfd, ~/.gnome, ~/.gnome2,
> ~/.gnome2_private, and ~/.gnome_private and allowed my login attempt to
> regenerate them (supposedly), but this had no effect. Since GNOME loads
> fine when root logs in, GNOME itself is presumably not broken, but
> rather the user is.
> What's left to delete and regenerate? Does anybody know what I might do
> to fix this (short of creating a new user, which I'm not going to do :) )?
> Thanks for any help,
> Holly, hanging out in IceWM while KDE 3.4.1 compiles.
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil

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