Hi Neil,
on Monday, 2005-06-06 at 09:08:53, you wrote:
> > Have you looked at buildpkg Matthias?  I've used it before on similar
> > machines.  Seems to work ok.  Granted, you can't just `emerge -upD
> > world` on the "copies", but you may get away with minimal effort.
> You can if you use a shared PKGDIR and add -k to the emerge options.

No, I hadn't lookt at this yet, but it seems easy enough, thanks! So it
seems I could have one "master" where I change the configuration and
build binary packages along the way, and all the other machines would
just run "emerge -uDk" in a cron job...sounds easy enough. Then I could
also get /usr/portage over NFS and wouldn't even have to emerge --sync
on the workstations any more, right? Hm...the only remaining problem I
can think of right now (I'm sure others will pop up once I try it ;)) is
configfile management. A nightly removal of all the ._cfg* files plus
some scheme to keep the configs in sync with an SVN server should do it.


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