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Hi Grant,

Grant wrote:
> Very interesting.  It's starting to sound like Skype isn't the devil
> after all.  Is there any other software that will let me make calls to
> regular phone lines from my Linux computer?  Free would be better, but
> I don't mind proprietary software and per-minute charges if there are
> no alternatives.

;-) .. That was my point exactly. Skype isn't the devil at all, at least
it isn't if you don't have anything against closed-source commercial
software. It was not my intention to cause waves, but it does iritate me
when closed-source gets bashed right into the ground purely for being
closed source/commercial without actually looking at the product itself.

To tell you the truth I would also prefer an open-source alternative,
however there are none that work as well on all 3 major platforms (yeah,
I have friends who use all and skype works great for all of them).

However to answer your question as best I can. Basically all software
used to phone fixed lines will have some charge or another I believe.
Gnomemeeting apparently does this too (since recently) or at least I
heard, but I know too little about that to make a judgement.
might shed some light (and links) to things you might want to look at if
Skype bothers you ;-) I have used gnomemeeting before though, and
although it's a great product it had a load of dependencies which deam
it in my eyes as not-worth-the-effort, seeing as I don't have gnome
installed. This was actually a reason I reccomend Skype to most users
who are looking for such a program as it has very few dependencies, and
is easy to configure and use.

Hope this helps ;-)
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