Richard Fish wrote:

>Holly Bostick wrote:
>>OK, I'm following both of you so far. Yes, I do have 'multislot' for
>>binutils. I admit it was just guesswork on my part; I read the USE flag
>>description, thought about automake and autoconf, thought that binutils
>>sounded like the kind of system utility that might need similar
>>functionality (though for reasons I wouldn't know about, as a
>>non-programmer), so enabled it. But of course, now I still don't know if
>>I actually need it or it's just causing me grief. Was it a bad call?
>First, let me say that I couldn't find any documentation via google
>("site:gentoo.org multislot") or in use.desc for multislot.  So if I
>contradict anything that the documentation says, I am probably wrong. ;->
Just a note here, try running: "euse -i multislot", here's the output:
 euse -i multislot
global use flags (searching: multislot)
no matching entries found

local use flags (searching: multislot)
[-    ] multislot (sys-devel/binutils):
Allow for multiple versions of binutils to be emerged at once for same

[-    ] multislot (sys-devel/gcc):
Allow for SLOTs to include minor version (3.3.4 instead of just 3.3)
Beside looking in "use.desc" you can also have a look at
"use.local.desc" file.
'euse' is in gentoolkit

HTH. Rumen

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