I updated world yesterday which gave me a new com_err release.  Saw the
notice about running revdep-rebuild fly by when I did it but ignored it
because I've never really needed to do this before.

Soon thereafter I could not ssh to the box because of the missing
libcom_err.so.3 file and realized that I had ignored the message at my own

So revdep-rebuild is currently running on the box but I'm wondering how
often the revdep-rebuild needs to be run...

Any suggestions from you folks out there in gentoo land?

I'm thinking about building a cron script to run early in the morning and,
if a recent emerge has taken place, run revdep-rebuild automatically.  Does
this sound like a good idea or not?

Does revdep-rebuild rebuild the same version of the packages that are
currently installed or will it do a package update from the portage tree?

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