On Wed, 13 Jul 2005 18:39:38 -0400 Colin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> aabb wrote:
> >Here's a strange one...
> >
> >I use 2 partitions for Windows 98, hda1 and hda5. I set both up as
> >type "c" (fat32 LBA) during my gentoo installation, using fdisk. The
> >entries in /etc/fstab are almost identical:
> >
> >/dev/hda1    /mnt/win_c    vfat    umask=0,noexec      0 0
> >/dev/hda5    /mnt/win_d    vfat    umask=0,noexec      0 0

What's the output of "fdisk -l /dev/hda"?
BTW, I use "noauto,noexec,user,fmask=0133" as options in fstab for vfat

> Any of the mask entries correspond to octal permission;  therefore,
> they  need to be three-digit numbers.  I recommend 022 (rwxr-xr-x),
> but I  assume you want 000 (rwxrwxrwx).  Don't forget to set uid and
> gid or  else only root will have access to the files!

I set file mask to fmask=0133 on vfat partitions, because files on
windows partitions don't need the executable bit. It only annoys me when
Midnight Commander tries to execute them after I press ENTER.


Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen,
durch die sie entstanden sind.

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