Vincent A. Primavera wrote:

> Hello,
>        Just looking for some opinions here.  What is a good approach
> to installing applications with a minimal amount of optional USE flags
> enabled? For example, if one were to run `emerge -pv kde-base/kde` you
> would be presented with many, many dependencies and USE flags.  I
> would prefer to install less upfront and add on later as needed. 
> Doing an `emerge -pv $packagename` then looking through the
> dependencies and their USE flags each time, to me, doesn't seem like
> the best method.  I took a look at the list of USE flags at
> and disabling dozens of them in
> /etc/make.conf doesn't seem like a great method either.  I'm trying to
> avoid a big, bloated system without going too crazy here.  Any
> suggestions?
> -- 
>        Thank you,
>        Vincent A. Primavera.
>        Director of Information Technology.
>        Ralph Pill Electric Supply Co.

Recently there was such discussion, only about the default USE-flags (in
current profile).
By memory the solution was: "-* only desired USE-flags here, ex. alsa
crypt readline ..." in '/etc/make.conf'
"-*" disables quite all (only all optional w/o the required ones) and
turns ON the USE-flags following it.
PS: watch out there are 2-3 flags which are absolutely required for a
sane system, check ML-archive (readline is one).
HTH. Rumen

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