Vincent A. Primavera wrote:

       Just looking for some opinions here.  What is a good approach
to installing applications with a minimal amount of optional USE flags
enabled? For example, if one were to run `emerge -pv kde-base/kde` you
would be presented with many, many dependencies and USE flags.  I
would prefer to install less upfront and add on later as needed.
Doing an `emerge -pv $packagename` then looking through the
dependencies and their USE flags each time, to me, doesn't seem like
the best method.  I took a look at the list of USE flags at and disabling dozens of them in
/etc/make.conf doesn't seem like a great method either.  I'm trying to
avoid a big, bloated system without going too crazy here.  Any
       Thank you,

       Vincent A. Primavera.
       Director of Information Technology.
       Ralph Pill Electric Supply Co.

Recently there was such discussion, only about the default USE-flags (in
current profile).
By memory the solution was: "-* only desired USE-flags here, ex. alsa
crypt readline ..." in '/etc/make.conf'
"-*" disables quite all (only all optional w/o the required ones) and
turns ON the USE-flags following it.
PS: watch out there are 2-3 flags which are absolutely required for a
sane system, check ML-archive (readline is one).
HTH. Rumen

This looks like what I am leaning towards. Now I just have to find out what those few critical flags are ;o} Thanks all!
        Vincent A. Primavera.
        Director of Information Technology.
        Ralph Pill Electric Supply Co.
-- mailing list

I found this below at,11993814: USE="-* tcpd crypt ssl pam ncurses zlib readline". Does it look as minimalistic *and* safe as possible?
       Thank you,

       Vincent A. Primavera.
       Director of Information Technology.
       Ralph Pill Electric Supply Co.

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