Jorge Almeida wrote:

On Mon, 18 Jul 2005, Richard Fish wrote:

If so, possibly an error with themes or alpha blending...

But why now?

Well, one of the things that has been happening in the xorg/qt/kde world is a move towards more eye-candy with transparency, drop shadows, and so on. My guess is that this version of KDE is trying to use a new method of drawing things, that turns out to be slower than the old (or maybe more accurately, plain) method for your hardware.

You might take a walk through the KDE option menus and disable anything that says "drop shadows", "transparency", or most other eye-candy.

Could you post the output "xdpyinfo"...I have a feeling the answer is going to be in there.

$ xdpyinfo


number of extensions:    33

Could you try disabling this. From googling, it seems that something like the following in xorg.conf should do it:

Section "Extensions"
   Option "Composite" "Disable"

Everything else looks sane.


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