On Tue, 19 Jul 2005, Richard Fish wrote:

You might take a walk through the KDE option menus and disable anything that says "drop shadows", "transparency", or most other eye-candy.

I had done that already. But I like eye-candy, or I might as well use a
minimalistic wm...
(I didn't get shadows or transparency anyway, whwn it was enabled.)

number of extensions:    33

Could you try disabling this. From googling, it seems that something like the following in xorg.conf should do it:

Section "Extensions"
  Option "Composite" "Disable"
I did it (actually, I commented out the whole section). I guess things are 
better. I still can see widgets in mozilla
windows showing in a cascading way, but time lag is small.

BTW: that Section was the last one in xorg.conf, and vim suggested there
was something wrong with it (different colors than other sections), but
it's beyond me to guess what.

Everything else looks sane.



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