I'm ~x86 on a dell laptop. I'm having some fun this morning. Everything was working this morning, but I shut down the system for my daily commute and now it won't boot. I seem to remember a few gnome emerges last night, but everything emerged cleanly and ran etc-update.

I have some failing init scripts such as xfs (ie, X Font Server) and net.eth0. I did a 'rc-update del' on these and xdm, so that I'd have a starting point from which to work from. However, it sill won't give me a bash shell. It literally hangs after starting the last script. Does anybody know which rock to turn over to find out why this is the case?

PS- I can boot off the Gentoo Live CD. I did a new 'emerge sync', but I can't find anything that would fix this. I also checked bugs.gentoo.com, but nada. I'm running fsck on all my file partitions to see if there is an error.

As there are problems with latest baselayout (2-3 persons) on boot check for "baselayout-1.12.0_pre1-r1" and go to the stable/previous version: 1.11.13.
HTH. Rumen

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