On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 10:34 AM, Alex Schuster <wo...@wonkology.org> wrote:
> Mark Knecht writes:
>>    One minor annoyance is that the task bar at the bottom is about 1/3
>> black on the left. Resolution is 1920x1080 so I'd guess about the
>> first 800 pixels are painted the wrong color. The task bar still
>> works, it just doesn't look right.
> I think I have the same problem, although not all the time. I happens only
> sometimes after I run opengl Software like Quake3, or other games that
> change the graphics resolution. What sometimes works is to turn off
> compositing with Alt-Shift-F12 and on again.
>        Wonko

Thanks. Seems I have this all the time in ~amd64. I didn't see it on
(mostly) stable. (Stable system, stable KDE, mostly stable apps,
~amd64 xorg-server & drivers) Alt-Shift-F12 isn't doing anything for

In a few hours I'll have a second (and stable) install on the same
system so I can boot into each and compare results. Until then at
least ~amd64 is working well enough that I can do a little work. I'll
report back when I know anything new.

Again, thanks for the ideas.


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