Am 12.04.2010 14:57, schrieb Alan McKinnon:

2. when devs commit to ~arch, they tend to run ~arch on their test boxes.
Issues are easy to spot and get fixed quickly. If you have a mixture of the
two, then you have a combination that no-one but you is using, and it will not
have been tested. The odds are good that you will often run into problems that
are hard to trace (conflicting versions of packages). Running ~arch is
actually more stable than a mixture as many folk have those packages and there
are more eyeballs on it.


someone always brings that up. I think it might be right when mixing packages randomly. But not everybody is doing that. Let's say: I only like to have personas for firefox. Unmasking firefox, xulrunner, nss and two more will not bring you in the problem mentioned. In general I believe this is true for any program as long as it doesn't need a general library or anything like that unmasked.


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