On 18. 4. 2010 8:57, Ciprian Dorin, Craciun wrote:

     * there is an option for the kernel that must be enabled at
compile time that enables automatic RAID detection and assembly by the
kernel before mounting /, but it works only for MD metadata 0.96 (see
     * the default metadata for `mdadm` is 1.2 (see `man mdadm`, and
search for `--metadata`), so when creating the RAID you must
explicitly select the metadata you want;


Which version of mdadm are you using? I have 3.0, and defalut metadata
is 0.90:

 -e ,  --metadata=
        Declare the style of RAID metadata (superblock) to be used.  The
        default is 0.90 for --create, and to guess for other operations.
        The  default can be overridden by setting the metadata value for
        the CREATE keyword in mdadm.conf.

BTW [1] says about kernel 2.6.9, things might have changed since then...


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