On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 14:27:15 +0300, Ciprian Dorin, Craciun wrote:

>     Well I've tried exactly that: I've aggregated two partitions in
> RAID1, made the file system, then tried to install Grub on them (as in
> run grub-setup or grub-install or grub and then from the shell the
> setup)... And I didn't succeeded. I've tried the following:
>     * try to install Grub on the MD as it would have been a partition
> -- failed (as expected as the MD device is not on a hard-drive);
>     * stopped the MD, and then tried to install grub on each partition
> individually -- it worked to install, but from a reason I don't
> remember right now it failed to boot;
>     So what intrigues me is how you've initialized the MBR, how you've
> runned grub-setup?

I don't use grub-setup, just run grub and do
root (hd0,4)
setup (hd0)

and repeat for each disk.

Neil Bothwick

My friends went to alt.california, and all they brought
me was this lousy sig.

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