On Tuesday 27 April 2010 00:18:19 Frank Steinmetzger wrote:

> You haven't told us what kind of monitor that is,

Because it isn't pertinent to what I asked.

> but it sounds like it's a flatscreen. In that case you should definitely
> run it on its native resolution, or else your display will ... strain
> your eyes far more.

It doesn't. I've always had blurred vision (myopia in one eye and 
astigmatism in the other, both fairly severe) and I'm better at 
resolving blurred images than picking detail out of small ones. I'm 
trying to reduce the neck-ache caused by straining forwards to see the 

> However, Linux GUIs are very good at geometric upscaling, so I suggest
> increasing font and icon sizes.

I'll try that anyway; it may give me a better compromise. Thanks.


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