Am 05.05.2010 21:39, schrieb Daniel Troeder:

>> With this password I get a "bad decrypt" so this explains why it 
>> fails.
> If you cannot decrypt your keyfile (with openssl) then you have just 
> lost any way to decrypt your partition!
> But there is an idea in the man page of which I didn't think: did
> you maybe change your users password? If so, you need to use the old
> pw to decrypt the keyfile. If you can, then you can use the new pw to
> encrypt the key again (make backups of the original file).

user-pw not changed, no ...

> There is also the possibility your keyfile was corrupted somehow
> (file system corruption?). Do you have a backup of the keyfile (and
> your data:)?

Restored the key-file from tape, no diff, no success.
I have some images as backup, would have to look closer ...

> BTW: a LUKS encrypted partition can have 8 keys (in so called "key 
> slots"), so that you can add a "fallback key" the next time, which
> you store at a trusted place.

I am pretty sure that I used several slots, yes.


Remember that I said: "I am not sure which HOWTO I followed" ?

What if I didn't use aes-256-ecb?

I will try some other ciphers .... ;-)

Oh my, I luv documentation :-)


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