On Jul 24, 2005, at 5:04 PM, Richard Fish wrote:

Mark Shields wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ cat /proc/meminfo | grep Mem
MemTotal:      1034284 kB
MemFree:        953172 kB

Thanks for the tip.  But strangely, 12mb is still missing.

I am pretty sure this is actually correct, and depends upon your BIOS options. All of those "cache this or that ROM into memory" options eat some some ram. You can disable those to try and get some more memory, but your system performance will probably suffer overall.

Modern operating system like Linux 2.6 and WinXP bypass the BIOS after the initial bootup, so caching the system/video BIOSes is just a waste of memory if you're using Gentoo. Caching video RAM was nice back in the days of ISA video cards, but with PCI/AGP/PCI-X video cards, shut off that option.
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