Jacques Montier wrote:


Site :  http://sites.google.com/site/jacquesfr35/
Le 09/06/2010 16:26, Dale a gentiment tapote:
Jacques Montier wrote:
Le 09/06/2010 15:17, walt a gentiment tapote:

On 06/09/2010 03:32 AM, Jacques Montier wrote:

Hi all,

After upgrading world, i installed python-3.1.2-r3 with already
installed python-2.6.4-r1
As recommended, i ran python-updater ; so python-updater added some
packages to the list as :

The output is an error about  dev-lang/-MERGING-python:2.5 as invalid
atom !
Where does that "-MERGING-" come from ?

Which version of python are you actually using now?  AFAIK the portage
don't yet work correctly if you are using python-3.

I use python2.6, but both 2.6 and 3.1 are installed.


Just for the record, installing python 3.1 is fine but DON'T switch to
it.  Very little works with it right now.  There was a HUGE discussion
about this on -dev.  It's confusing because python 3.1 is stable but
you can't switch to it yet since not much is ready for it.

The best thing to do is to mask python 3.1 until you can actually
switch to it.  That is what most devs are recommending.  If you don't
have something that has to have it, mask it for now.


:-)  :-)

with eselect python list, i get this :
# Available Python interpreters:
   [1]   python2.6 *
   [2]   python3.1
So python2.6 is the main active version ; therefore is it necessary to
mask it ?


If I recall correctly, there are a few programs that can run with python 3. Thing is, there are still a LOT of them that can't run with it and must have python 2. If you switch to python 3, you will have a mess on your hands. If nothing actually requires python 3, mask it for now. It will be a while before you will have to have it anyway. When that time comes, portage will tell you that some package that must have python 3 only is masked. Then you can remove the mask, install it and switch to it.

This is just to save you some "issues" later on. Trying to use python 3 right now is not going to work. Wait until things are able to use and go through the update process then and only have to do it once.

That's my $0.02 worth.


:-)  :-)

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