On 06/22/2010 12:29 PM, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> On Dienstag 22 Juni 2010, walt wrote:
>> On 06/22/2010 11:44 AM, Dale wrote:
>>> Tanstaafl wrote:
>>>> On 2010-06-18 12:17 PM, Bill Longman wrote:
>>>>> And finally, don't even mention how braindead the "new" improved
>>>>> grub is. I wonder how anyone can feel that having to write six
>>>>> paragraphs> in some one-off bash-like language, which needs to be
>>>>> debugged, is better than four lines in a config file.
>>>> This brings up a question I've been meaning to ask...
>>>> Since I have no desire to experience this new 'improved' GRUB, but don't
>>>> like LILO - how long will it be before I'll be forced to make a choice?
>>>> Meaning, how long will legacy GRUB still be supported?
>>> If I read the home page correctly, they are not really doing much more
>>> than bug fixes on the old grub. That was my reading at least. I'm
>>> dreading that day too. I sort of like my old grub. I started on lilo and
>>> grub has seriously grown on me. I'll switch to the new grub tho. I have
>>> NO plans to go back to lilo. None whatsoever ! !
>> IIUC the change will be forced by mobo manufacturers when they adopt the
>> newer partition tables and boot/BIOS methods .  They have catchy acronyms
>> that I can't remember, naturally, but we've all seen them discussed in this
>> group from time to time.  Don't buy new mobos and you can stick to old
>> grub.
> mobos? why should mobos have any influence?
> And what have mobos to do with the fact that whenever GNU lay their dirty 
> hands on a project they will no rest until they turned something decent and 
> usefull into an overly complex, drowned in obscure options and hard to 
> configure mess?

Because of EFI firmware, that's why mobos would effect it. Like the Sun
Openboot PROM docs say somewhere: "BIOS? We don't need no stinkin'
BIOS". Same with the lame x86 status quo. At least nowadays we could
have two different versions of it on board and it's not a hardware chip
anymore, but, compared to most other intelligent platforms, PC BIOS is
pretty braindead.

Volker, I feel your pain every time I have to use two "--" instead of
one "-" on my flags. Does -help take one or two? (I'm sure I can easily
start a raging, apocalyptic forest fire by mentioning "man" and "info"
in the same sentence :-)

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