On 23 Jun 2010, at 13:22, Mick wrote:
I've tried all sort of 'fixes' like trying to add escape characters,
using closing tags, completely deleting the null symbols and what not,
but loading the page in drupal still causes similar parsing errors
although not always at the last line.

The files in question are attached in this message.

Well, I can confirm that these file show the same symptoms on vim here, so it's not totally a bug with your text editor.

First step should perhaps be to report the bug to Drupal themselves.

I get the same garbage using vim here on my Mac, but interestingly not if I open the file in TextEdit (like Notepad). In vim the files both seem to terminate in this junk, and it kinda seem like vim doesn't want to scroll down properly when it encounters it. In TextEdit I do see a handful of blank spaces at the "end" of template.php, and if I delete these then reopen in vim, the garbage is gone. I would be glad to send you copies of both files "fixed", but I suspect the files are truncated, and that that would leave stuff missing - the ^...@^@^...@^@^@ has been written over the real content, I think.


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