On 23 June 2010 21:06, Vincent Launchbury <vinc...@doublecreations.com> wrote:
> On 06/23/10 08:22, Mick wrote:
>> PS.  I just looked at earlier (stable) versions of these files here:
>> http://drupal.org/project/skinr
>> [...]
>> and they do not have the binary characters at the end - so this could
>> well be a problem with the development versions.
> Perhaps it was just a corrupt download. I grabbed
> skinr-6.x-1.x-dev.tar.gz, and the skinr.module file was fine. (I assume
> you got the same one, as the cvs $Id:$ is identical to the one you posted.)

Guys thanks for your help.  I thought of a corrupt download too, but
couldn't explain that happening more than once with different files.
Then I noticed a pattern developing ...

If the download took place on a ntfs partition (used to share files
with a MSWindows OS) and then transfered over to reiserfs where Gentoo
and the drupal server lives, well, all these phenomena of corrupt
files seem to take place.

I cannot honestly explain this!  Why is it that if the download and
unzipping takes place using ntfs-3g on the said ntfs partition the php
files get corrupted?

This is what mount shows:

/dev/sda9 on /mnt/VideoDrive type fuseblk

Probably I did something wrong ... will keep an eye out for similar
errors in the future, because I just tried this again and there does
not seem to be a problem with it now.

Thanks for your help and sorry for the noise.

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