On Saturday 26 June 2010 17:44:42 Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
> It's weird.
> Sometimes, but not always, when I click in the Firefox scrollbar, it starts
> heading in the right direction in fits and starts of 5 pixels or so until
> it (finallly) reaches the end.  I've mostly observed this in the downward
> direction, but I mostly scroll in that direction anyway so it might not
> mean anything.
> What's wrong about this is that a single click should not do this, and does
> not do this, on any other scrollbar on my machine.  A single click moves
> the "thumb" thingie a fixed amount which depends on where you click.  The
> worst part is that the application won't do anything else until the
> scrolling is finished, and the scrolling for a very tall page can take a
> couple of minutes.
> I keep trying to remember that dragging the "thumb" still works as
> expected, but clicking is an old habit that's hard to drop.
> Am I the only one seeing this?

I don't see that. What settings do you have for scrolling?

Firefox config dialog -> Advanced -> General

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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