Alan McKinnon wrote:
On Wednesday 21 July 2010 17:49:46 Bill Longman wrote:
And to play devil's advocate, I'll chime in with my experience. The 4.4
GCC, at least on AMD CPUs, creates noticeably faster code. I recompiled
all my packages after I upgraded to 4.4 and it was a noticeable

But, to make perfectly clear what Alan and Dale have stated previously,
it is not a requirement to recompile anything. The binaries that are
created still call the same system calls as they did before. The kernel
still publishes them in the same locations. And to prove to yourself
this is true, grab a statically linked binary, compiled for a stock
standard i686, and run it on your machine.
I'd love to be able to experience the speedups of gcc-4.4 and by rights I
should be able to - my last "rip gentoo apart and put it back together again"
stunt needed an emerge -e world to fix it all.

But, and this is the bit that makes me cry, the slowdown from KDE-4.4.5 has
obliterated all that advantage several times over.....

raster *really* needs to hurrry up now and release e17

My last KDE upgrade made KDE a little faster here as well. It won't be as fast as e17 tho. Since I upgraded gcc a little before that, I wasn't sure if it was gcc building better code or KDE got rid of some garbage. It is a little faster tho.

I suspect gcc. When as larger programs ever got faster? I'm sure they added code to KDE, not taking code away. ;-)


:-)  :-)

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