On 6 August 2010 13:45, Xi Shen <davidshe...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> i reboot the system, fresh start with livcd. all reports the same error. :(
> i noticed that the hardware address is 3a:3a:2d:6c:3a:3a, which is
> obviously an invalid one. i guess it is a hardware failure...

Hmm ... if ifconfig -a does not show your device then this merits
further investigation.

Does the LiveCD have the requisite driver for your eth0?

In your normal OS the permanent udev rules could have messed up the
order of your devices (assuming that you have more than one network
interface) so that eth1 is now eth0.

However, I am not sure that the LiveCD would show the same problem as
it would run its own udev daemon.  Either way, ifconfig -a should show
all your interfaces and MAC numbers (as long as there is the
appropriate driver in the kernel).

If it is a hardware failure it may be worth trying to reseat the card
if separate to the MoBo, or disable/enable in the BIOS to reset it.

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