
i've installed Gentoo and KDE 4.4 on an AMD64 system, configured 
/etc/conf.d/xdm to start kdm as login server.

After login the KDE4 desktop starts up - a little box with at least 5 or 6 
icons in it where one after the other icon displays blurred and then comes 
clear (Disk, Tools, World, ...).
This process stops at the fourth icon (after the world icon) which remains 
blurred. At this stage the PC simply hangs - no ssh, no VT-switch, nothing.

So my first question is - what stage the fourth icon stands for. And where to 
look for the issue.

After a reboot to the command line i viewed the logs (/var/log/messages, 
/var/log/Xorg.0.log) but nothing looks suspicious. The last line in 
/var/log/messages reads:
  <timestamp> <hostname> kdm: 0:[<pid>]: pam_unix(kde:session): session opened 
for  ...

The user was newly created using "useradd -m -g ...). There was no .kde4 
directory in his home directory.

Other window managers (fluxbox) don't show this problem.

Kernel is gentoo-sources-2.6.34-r1. All components are from the stable tree.

This may not be an gentoo problem.

All hints are welcome.


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