Hi, I recently upgraded my kernel to and my KDE to 4.5. After
rebooting, I have some weird, possibly unrelated issues:

During bootup, boot process hangs on "waiting for uevents" for ~30
seconds or so. I don't remember this ever happening before. As far as
I can tell everything still works fine, it just delays the boot
process a lot.

In X the UI responsiveness randomly goes bad, keyboard especially. At
first it'll be fine, then simply using Konsole and typing will begin
to slow down. Also, screen output in general seems to freeze until I
touch the mouse or keyboard. Even something like listing a directory.
It's really weird... It gets so bad that it becomes completely
unresponsive, freezing for minutes at a tie. It eventually un-freezes
momentarily, long enough to logout and back in at least. I disabled
desktop effects but it still had the same problem. I tried Gnome
briefly last night before going to sleep and didn't experience this
slowdown problem.

Anyone else had those same problems or know what I might try? I'm
using nvidia-drivers and tried 3 different versions with no success. I
have not yet tried downgrading my kernel or KDE installation, but
that's next on the list of things to try tonight.

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