On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 11:44 AM, Nikos Chantziaras <rea...@arcor.de> wrote:
> On 08/12/2010 07:24 PM, Paul Hartman wrote:
>> [...]
>> In X the UI responsiveness randomly goes bad, keyboard especially. At
>> first it'll be fine, then simply using Konsole and typing will begin
>> to slow down. Also, screen output in general seems to freeze until I
>> touch the mouse or keyboard. Even something like listing a directory.
>> It's really weird... It gets so bad that it becomes completely
>> unresponsive, freezing for minutes at a tie. It eventually un-freezes
>> momentarily, long enough to logout and back in at least. I disabled
>> desktop effects but it still had the same problem. I tried Gnome
>> briefly last night before going to sleep and didn't experience this
>> slowdown problem.
>> Anyone else had those same problems or know what I might try? I'm
>> using nvidia-drivers and tried 3 different versions with no success. I
>> have not yet tried downgrading my kernel or KDE installation, but
>> that's next on the list of things to try tonight.
> I suppose you're running a complete ~arch system, not just some packages?


> Also, I had a somewhat similar problem with GUI slowness.  It was a matter
> of disabling the "Use VSync" checkbox in System Settings->Desktop
> Effects->Advanced tab and enabling the "Disable functionality checks" box in
> the same tab.  Note that the desktop and all apps will keep being tear-free
> and VSynced even if making those changes in System Settings.
> Furthermore, I've set:
>  CheckIsSafe=false
> in my ~/.kde4/share/config/kwinrc
> After all that, KDE 4.5.0 runs perfectly for me using
> gentoo-sources-2.6.35-r1, xorg-server-, and the following live
> (9999) packages:
> media-libs/mesa
> x11-proto/glproto
> x11-proto/dri2proto
> x11-libs/libdrm
> x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati
> Using KMS.

Thanks for the tips, I'll experiment tonight and see what I can make it do.

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