On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 11:45:02 +0600, simply change wrote:

> i usually update my portage to upto date & try to download all new
> files to my box for later emerging(emerge -e world). de following error
> message came. so please help me...

Why do you need to use -e?

> ==============================================
> pushpaka-ng special-downloads # emerge -fe world
> Calculating world dependencies
> emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy
> ">=media-libs/jpeg-mmx-1.1.2-r1".

Try waiting an hour and syncing again. It could be that the ebuild
requiring this reached the mirrors slightly before its dependency.
Alternatively, if you are running stable, you may need to unmask this

Neil Bothwick

There was a young man from the border
Who had an attention disorder.
When he reached the last line
He would run out of time

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