On 08/27/2010 01:50 AM, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> On 08/27/2010 10:37 AM, Dale wrote:
>> I been putting this off but it looks like the newer kernels are going to
>> push me to changing this real soon. I have a older system, Abit NF7 2.0
>> motherboard with the older IDE drives. I'm still using the older IDE
>> drivers. This is what I have currently:
>> hda Actual hard drive OS on this
>> hdb Actual hard drive Not in use
>> hdc Actual hard drive home partition
>> hdd DVD burner Duh! It's a burner.
>> sda Actual hard drive connected through a SATA PCI card. Misc stuff.
> The advice by the other posters to label your disks is a good one.  I'm
> using labels too.  Not sure why I didn't think to mention it :P
> Applying labels to your filesystems is trivial.  Simply use the e2label
> utility (it's in the sys-fs/e2fsprogs package and installed by default,
> so there's nothing new to emerge).  For example, if your hda1 is your
> root partition and your hda2 your swap, you can label them like this:
>   e2label /dev/hda1 GentooRoot
>   e2label /dev/hda2 GentooSwap
> Note: hda1, not just hda.  You are labeling the filesystem on a
> partition, not the whole drive.
> After you label all your filesystems, you simply modify your /etc/fstab
> like this:
> Before:
> /dev/hda1  /  ext4  noatime  0 1
> /dev/hda2  none  swap  sw  0 0
> After:
> /dev/disk/by-label/GentooRoot  /  ext4  noatime  0 1
> /dev/disk/by-label/GentooSwap  none  swap  sw 0 0
> That is, you simply change "/dev/blah" to
> "/dev/disk/by-label/DriveLabel" and that's it.

Yet another way to use labels:

When you make the filesystem, apply the name then i.e.:

  mke2fs -j -L SpeedySSD /dev/sde1

then in your /etc/fstab use the label like this:

  LABEL=SpeedySSD /usr/home  ext3  relatime  0 2

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