Nikos Chantziaras schrieb am 27.08.2010 18:06:
> On 08/27/2010 07:02 PM, J. Roeleveld wrote:
>> Actually, you can:
>> (Read the section below "Use a label"):
>> fstab:
>> LABEL=ROOT          /         ext3    defaults        1 1
>> LABEL=BOOT          /boot     ext3    defaults        1 2
>> LABEL=SWAP          swap      swap    defaults        0 0
>> LABEL=HOME          /home     ext3    nosuid,auto     1 2
> This syntax never worked here.  Always resulted in an unbootable system.
>  Only the /dev/disk/by-label/ syntax works reliably.

Afaik if you are using GRUB LEGACY (0.97) and want to use LABEL/UUID in
your grub.conf/menu.lst you also need an initrd. I think with GRUB 2
(1.98) it is possible without. You don't need an initrd for LABEL/UUID
in /etc/fstab for both cases.

Daniel Pielmeier

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