On Fri, 2010-09-24 at 06:47 -0400, dhk wrote:
> After a recent xorg upgrade my display hasn't been quite right.  It's
> all usable, but it looks like the resolution is wrong.  The resolution
> is now set at the highest 1024x768 where it use to be 1280x1024.
> Gnome->System->Preference->Monitors
> Under Monitor Preferences the monitor is Unknown, Resolution 1024x768,
> Refresh Rate 0 Hz, and Rotation Normal.  The Detect monitors button
> doesn't seem to do anything.  The only other option under Resolution is
> 800x600.
> I have a fairly new Samsung 932BW LCD Monitor and using an Nvidia
> graphics card.
> Any ideas on how to get my display back?
> Thanks,

First, the obligatory "have you looked at the logs"?

Not a lot of information was given (upgraded to what version? what
drivers?, etc). but here is a guess.

Since you are using an nvidia card, I'm guessing you are using the
proprietary nvidia drivers.  The gnome preference thingie uses xrandr
which, as far as I know, the proprietery nvidia drivers do not support.
I don't use nvidia cards anymore, but from my memory the GNOME monitor
app has never worked with Nvidia.

I'm also guessing that you upgraded to xorg-server 1.9.  Based on that,
and the fact that Nvidia drivers are usually behind Xorg updates, I'm
going to guess that the proprietary drivers are not working correctly,
either because Nvidia has to push out an update that supports 1.9 or you
have not re-compiled your drivers after upgrading the server.

So I would say first to try recompiling the Nvidia driver (if you
haven't already done so) and if that doesn't fix the problem you'll
might have to wait until Nvidia updates their proprietary drivers.

Anyway that's just a guess, since I no longer use Nvidia and based on
the limited information received.  You will likely find more information
(that you can post) by looking at the X server's log file.


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