On 09/24/10 05:38, dhk wrote:
> On 09/24/2010 07:06 AM, Albert Hopkins wrote:
>> On Fri, 2010-09-24 at 06:47 -0400, dhk wrote:
>>> After a recent xorg upgrade my display hasn't been quite right.  It's
>>> all usable, but it looks like the resolution is wrong.  The resolution
>>> is now set at the highest 1024x768 where it use to be 1280x1024.
>>> Gnome->System->Preference->Monitors
>>> Under Monitor Preferences the monitor is Unknown, Resolution 1024x768,
>>> Refresh Rate 0 Hz, and Rotation Normal.  The Detect monitors button
>>> doesn't seem to do anything.  The only other option under Resolution is
>>> 800x600.
>>> I have a fairly new Samsung 932BW LCD Monitor and using an Nvidia
>>> graphics card.
>>> Any ideas on how to get my display back?
>>> Thanks,
>> First, the obligatory "have you looked at the logs"?
>> Not a lot of information was given (upgraded to what version? what
>> drivers?, etc). but here is a guess.
>> Since you are using an nvidia card, I'm guessing you are using the
>> proprietary nvidia drivers.  The gnome preference thingie uses xrandr
>> which, as far as I know, the proprietery nvidia drivers do not support.
>> I don't use nvidia cards anymore, but from my memory the GNOME monitor
>> app has never worked with Nvidia.
>> I'm also guessing that you upgraded to xorg-server 1.9.  Based on that,
>> and the fact that Nvidia drivers are usually behind Xorg updates, I'm
>> going to guess that the proprietary drivers are not working correctly,
>> either because Nvidia has to push out an update that supports 1.9 or you
>> have not re-compiled your drivers after upgrading the server.
>> So I would say first to try recompiling the Nvidia driver (if you
>> haven't already done so) and if that doesn't fix the problem you'll
>> might have to wait until Nvidia updates their proprietary drivers.
>> Anyway that's just a guess, since I no longer use Nvidia and based on
>> the limited information received.  You will likely find more information
>> (that you can post) by looking at the X server's log file.
>> -a
> After doing the following I didn't notice any difference and the nvidia
> driver wasn't installed in the first place.
> First)
> # emerge x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers
> Calculating dependencies... done!
>>>> Verifying ebuild manifests
>>>> Starting parallel fetch
>>>> Emerging (1 of 4) app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-opengl-20100611
>>>> Emerging (2 of 4) x11-libs/libvdpau-0.4
>>>> Installing (2 of 4) x11-libs/libvdpau-0.4
>>>> Installing (1 of 4) app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-opengl-20100611
>>>> Emerging (3 of 4) x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-195.36.31
>>>> Installing (3 of 4) x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-195.36.31
>>>> Recording x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers in "world" favorites file...
>>>> Emerging (4 of 4) media-video/nvidia-settings-195.36.24
>>>> Installing (4 of 4) media-video/nvidia-settings-195.36.24
>>>> Jobs: 4 of 4 complete                           Load avg: 3.49,
> 2.20, 1.21
> * Messages for package x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-195.36.31:
> * ***** WARNING *****
> *
> * You are currently installing a version of nvidia-drivers that is
> * known not to work with a video card you have installed on your
> * system. If this is intentional, please ignore this. If it is not
> * please perform the following steps:
> *
> * Add the following mask entry to /etc/portage/package.mask by
> * echo ">=x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-177.0.0" >>
> * /etc/portage/package.mask
> *
> * Failure to perform the steps above could result in a non-working
> * X setup.
> *
> * For more information please read:
> * http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_32667.html
> * You must be in the video group to use the NVIDIA device
> * For more info, read the docs at
> * http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/nvidia-guide.xml#doc_chap3_sect6
> *
> * This ebuild installs a kernel module and X driver. Both must
> * match explicitly in their version. This means, if you restart
> * X, you must modprobe -r nvidia before starting it back up
> *
> * To use the NVIDIA GLX, run "eselect opengl set nvidia"
> *
> * NVIDIA has requested that any bug reports submitted have the
> * output of /usr/bin/nvidia-bug-report.sh included.
> *
> * To work with compiz, you must enable the
> * AddARGBGLXVisuals option.
> *
> * If you are having resolution problems, try
> * disabling DynamicTwinView.
>>>> Auto-cleaning packages...
>>>> No outdated packages were found on your
>>>> system.
> * GNU info directory index is up-to-date.
> Second)
> echo ">=x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-177.0.0" >> /etc/portage/package.mask

You should have emerged nvidia-drivers here.
> Third)
> modprobe has nothing to do.
> # modprobe -rn nvidia
> Original opengl setting
> # eselect opengl list
> Available OpenGL implementations:
>   [1]   nvidia
>   [2]   xorg-x11 *
> Restarted and nothing changed.
> fourth)
> # eselect opengl set nvidia
> # eselect opengl list
> Available OpenGL implementations:
>   [1]   nvidia *
>   [2]   xorg-x11
> Restarted and nothing changed.
> Do I need to set the resolution somewhere?  I haven't used an xorg.conf
> file in sometime.
> Thanks,
> dhk

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