Richard Fish schrieb:
> Alexander Skwar wrote:
>>Richard Fish schrieb:
>>>Pupeno wrote:
>>>>>I use the dm-crypt from the kernel....
>>>>I've read that it is unsecure and I also read that it is not yet vory well 
>>>Dm-crypt is fairly well supported, since it is in the kernel, but I find 
>>>it to be harder to setup
>>hard to setup? How? What's hard about it?
>>You just encrypt the block device and create an fs on it.
>>/sbin/lvcreate -nToBeEnc -L5g sys     \
>>      && echo 'sekret' | /bin/cryptsetup create Crypted /dev/sys/ToBeEnc      
>> \
>>      && mkfs -t reiser4 /dev/mapper/Crypted  \
>>      && mount /dev/mapper/Crypted /some/where
>>Obviously, the lvcreate and mkfs steps are just a one time step :)
> First, I did not say dm-crypt was "hard to setup".  I said I find it 
> harder to be setup than loop-AES.

Yes, you're right. But since dm-crypt is so easy to setup with
cryptsetup, I can't imagine how much more easy you want to have

> Have you used both loop-AES and dm-crypt?  I have.

No. dm-crypt is good enough for me. No need for something else.

Is it possible to encrypt the complete block device with loop-AES?
Or does it only encrypt a file that's afterwards loop mounted?

> If you want to know what, specifically, I find more difficult about 
> cryptsetup, it is the documentation.


>  The grand sum of documentation 
> available for dm-crypt/cryptsetup after doing an 'emerge cryptsetup' is 
> "cryptsetup --help".

Well. I didn't need more.

> And yes, I know there are better guides online, but it is not always 
> possible to go online.

Well. Download the stuff and print it, or something. For me, it's
always possible to go online.

> Also, I wanted to be able to change my password.  With loop-AES, this is 
> a simple matter of re-encrypting my key file with a new password.  
> cryptsetup makes this more difficult.  Not impossible, just more difficult.

Well, no. It IS impossible. You need to create a new crypted device.

> <advice>
> Also, echoing your password on a command line to cryptsetup is an 
> extremely bad idea.  If an attacker happens to be on your system at that 
> moment, a simple 'ps' will show them your passphrase.


/bin/crypsetup < file-with-passphrase

Where does the attacker see the passphrase?

Oh. You took my example way too literally. *echo*ing the password
is an extremely bad idea. You're of course right. But in reality
I of course don't do that. Further, I said, that the password can
be piped to cryptsetup.

Alexander Skwar
 Paul: Good way to avoid frostbite, folks, put your hands between
 your buttocks. That's nature's pocket.
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