Paul Hartman wrote:
On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Dale<>  wrote:
Paul Hartman wrote:
On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 2:45 AM, Dale<>    wrote:

I am thinking of upgrading from a FX-5200 with 128Mb video card to a
6200 with 512MB.  It will be AGP since this is a older rig.  My system is
something like this:

Mobo:  Abit NF7 2.0
CPU: AMD 2500+  No overclocking
Memory:  2Gbs of 333Mhz.
Monitor:  Gateway 19" running 1280 x 1024

Based on the selection at Newegg, I would highly recommend going with
one of the Radeon HD 3650 or 4650 cards which only cost a little more
than the one you're looking at. HD3650 is going to be 5x faster than
GeForce 6200 and HD4650 probably 10x faster.

I think your motherboard supports AGP 8x, and I'm not sure if there
are any power supply considerations or other features (number of DVI
heads, etc) but anyway that's my 2 cents. :)

I am an Nvidia video card guy through and through, but in this case
the AGP Nvidia cards on offer there are ancient and slow compared to
their ATI counterparts.

I'm a nvidia guy.  I'm not big on ATI at all.  Just sort of not my cup of
tea.  I have read they have better Linux support than a long time ago but
they came in a little to late for me.

I just wish that thing had a bigger heat sink on it with fans.  I may change
that thing pretty quick.

Okay then :) To return to your original question, I think going from
FX-5200 to Geforce 6200 should probably give you something like 15%
performance improvement. I don't think either card is new enough to be
supported by vdpau so there won't be anything gained there.

6200 uses the current drivers (260.xx) whereas the 5200 is on the
legacy drivers (173.xx), maybe there are additional 3D effects
supported by the newer chipset/drivers. There's a humongous matrix of
nvidia chipset and model numbers somewhere on the internet that
explains the differences but I can't seem to find it at the moment. My
Google-fu is failing me. :)

One thing I was hoping is that the newer drivers would work better. I would think they only update what they have to for new kernels and such. That is my hope. It does seem to get slower as time goes on but I'm not sure how much that is the drivers and how much that is to do with the new KDE4. I'm sure KDE4 has a good bit to do with it too.

That is about the fastest card I could find that was AGP tho. I may look around and see what else I can find to tho.


:-)  :-)

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