On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 11:12 PM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm wondering if the card may be getting hot and slowing down because of
> that?  i replaced the heat sink a good while back and I got more than enough
> cooling on the case.  The heat sink has a fan and maybe it is not turning or
> something.  I did blow out the dust a while back and I do have filters over
> the intakes to help some.

Some Nvidia cards can go into a slow-motion mode when they overheat, I
had that happen on mine (it was a 6000 or 7000 series, I think) when
the fan died and I didn't realize it. The slowdown was dramatic in
those cases. It would usually happen if I was playing a game or a
video, suddenly it would go 2 frames per second. I'd stop the
game/video, and even things like opening a window were slow. After a
minute or two, everything would be back to normal speed. Eventually I
learned that the card was protecting itself by switching to an
ultra-slow mode to try to fight the overheating.

nvidia-settings may be able to show you the temperature and speeds on
your card. You might need to add:

Option "coolbits" "1"

to the device section in your xorg.conf to get it to show you some of
those options if they aren't initially visible.

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