On 10/19/2010 09:48 AM, Paul Hartman wrote:
> 2010/10/18 Dmitry S. Makovey <di...@makovey.net>:
>> I realize it may be a question more geared toward pulseaudio community
>> but I'd rather find out whether there's something Gentoo-specific I'm
>> missing first.
> Hi, do you know about this page?
> http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/PulseAudio
> I tried Pulseaudio in my Gentoo once by using that guide.
thanks. I'm pretty sure I've followed that page before, but hey - it was
a long time ago. I adjusted my setup according to what it says *now* -
we'll see what comes out of it. I followed links a bit deeper and also
checked my setup against
adjusting a thing or two (like using hal module vs udev, however
something tells me I'll be switching back pretty soon...).

I'll try it out for a while and post back the results.

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