On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 3:41 PM, Jake Moe <jakesaddr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> A bit off topic, but this group seems to know a lot about this sort of
> subject.
> I've caught the 11 year old at home browsing sites he really shouldn't
> be.  I'd like to implement some sort of filter so that he can only
> access "approved" sites, but myself and my o/h can browse whatever we
> want.  What is the best way to implement this?  A firewall?  Some sort
> of web proxy?  Something else?  I've got a few Gentoo computers, one
> that tri-boots between Windows XP (for work), Windows 7 (for games) and
> Gentoo (for everything else), and one Windows laptop (my o/h won't give
> it up) connecting to one wireless AP/router.
> I'm thinking maybe a single firewall would be the way to go, but I
> suppose it'd have to something that we could "log" into to let it know
> who's who; I've never heard of a firewall that does that.  Otherwise,
> maybe a software firewall on each PC, but it'd be a bit cumbersome
> across all the PCs, unless it had some sort of central management server.
> A web search seems to show a Squid proxy may be the way to go, as well.
> but I'm not familiar enough with that to know if it'll really do what I
> want.
> Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks.
> Jake Moe
Hi Jake,

This is something I wish there was more information about free/open
solutions available to assist parents in this exact situation.

So, dansguardian [1] is a good place to start, and here [2] is a nice
article on linux.com that provides an actual solution.

I think it would be really helpful if you could document what you learn as
you traverse this situation, so that other may benefit as well. Perhaps a
gentoo forum topic in addition to this ML might be appropriate.

Also, I have seen around some talk about running a setup like this on a WRT
router running DD-WRT and another system called packetprotector running
openwrt [3]

[1] http://dansguardian.org/
[2] http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/113733
[3] http://packetprotector.org/

Cheers and good luck,
Matthew W. Summers
quantumsummers | trustee, gentoo foundation

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