On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 10:59 PM, Matthew Summers

> On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 3:41 PM, Jake Moe <jakesaddr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> A bit off topic, but this group seems to know a lot about this sort of
>> subject.
>> I've caught the 11 year old at home browsing sites he really shouldn't
>> be.  I'd like to implement some sort of filter so that he can only
>> access "approved" sites, but myself and my o/h can browse whatever we
>> want.  What is the best way to implement this?  A firewall?  Some sort
>> of web proxy?  Something else?  I've got a few Gentoo computers, one
>> that tri-boots between Windows XP (for work), Windows 7 (for games) and
>> Gentoo (for everything else), and one Windows laptop (my o/h won't give
>> it up) connecting to one wireless AP/router.
>> I'm thinking maybe a single firewall would be the way to go, but I
>> suppose it'd have to something that we could "log" into to let it know
>> who's who; I've never heard of a firewall that does that.  Otherwise,
>> maybe a software firewall on each PC, but it'd be a bit cumbersome
>> across all the PCs, unless it had some sort of central management server.
>> A web search seems to show a Squid proxy may be the way to go, as well.
>> but I'm not familiar enough with that to know if it'll really do what I
>> want.
>> Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks.
>> Jake Moe
> Hi Jake,
> This is something I wish there was more information about free/open
> solutions available to assist parents in this exact situation.
> So, dansguardian [1] is a good place to start, and here [2] is a nice
> article on linux.com that provides an actual solution.
> I think it would be really helpful if you could document what you learn as
> you traverse this situation, so that other may benefit as well. Perhaps a
> gentoo forum topic in addition to this ML might be appropriate.
> Also, I have seen around some talk about running a setup like this on a WRT
> router running DD-WRT and another system called packetprotector running
> openwrt [3]
> [1] http://dansguardian.org/
> [2] http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/113733
> [3] http://packetprotector.org/
> Cheers and good luck,
> Matt
> --
> Matthew W. Summers
> quantumsummers | trustee, gentoo foundation
I'm using this tool for general filtering of stuff.
It's not exactly what you need, but it worth a check, because it gets list
of sites, so maybe you can add special lists to Moblock that filter sites
that are not for teens.

Take care that I would use a proxy site to surf the web to overcome your
filtering, so this also should be banned.
To check it search google for anonymous proxy or something similar.

After you do implement those solutions, check that your boy don't spent more
time in the neighbor's home surfing the web ;-)

If you can document your steps, as Matt said above,  maybe on
http://en.gentoo-wiki.com, it will be very good for all of us.


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