Coert Waagmeester wrote:

It has indeed happened to me with an IDE PATA disk.
Try first only to change only your grub config.
Then if you see that the kernel boots fine, you can change /etc/fstab.

If you want you can even use LABELs in fstab.

give your ext{2,3} partitions labels with e2label

and change the device node eg /dev/hda1 in fstab to LABEL=yournewlabel

Coert Waagmeester

I agree with this 100%. I switched mine to the new PATA drivers and I couldn't figure out what the drive order was. I used LABELS and it has worked ever since. The funny thing is, I have a card to hook a SATA drive up to and it puts it first instead of the drives that are hooked directly to the mobo. I wasn't expecting that and that was why I could not get mine to boot with the PATA drives. Bad thing is, the CD/DVD's I have still use the old IDE drivers so I couldn't even test it by booting that.

I have not been able to get grub to see the LABELS yet but I'm going to post fstab so that you have a example that is known to work and not from a guide:

/dev/disk/by-label/boot        /boot        ext2        noatime        1 2
/dev/disk/by-label/root        /        reiserfs    defaults    0 1
/dev/disk/by-label/swap        none        swap        sw        0 0
/dev/disk/by-label/portage    /usr/portage    ext3        defaults    0 1
/dev/disk/by-label/home        /home        reiserfs    defaults    1 1
/dev/disk/by-label/data        /data        reiserfs    defaults    0 1

Now someone post their grub.conf for us both. I just can't get mine to work with grub at all. I can't even use tab to find the drives in the boot menu.

Hope that helps.


:-)  :-)

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