On 11/24/2010 04:35 PM, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> I need to get to the work CVS server from home. It's not exposed to the 
> internet but never fear! we have ssh -L and a convenient sshd host that is on 
> the internets. So, locally
> ssh -Llocalhost:1111:cvs.example.com:22 a...@gateway.example.com
> and tell cvs that the server is localhost:1111
> I do this all the time for lots of other stuff. Doesn't work for CVS because 
> there's no way to tell cvs to tell ssh what port to use. 
> Google gives lots of hits about using the host-specific Host directive in 
> ~/.ssh/config but that won't work for me - it assumes I can see the CVS 
> server 
> directly and doesn't take into account that I have port forwarding in the way.
> Anyone know a way to get cvs to use any port other than 22? I'm receptive to 
> alternate cvs clients with this support, just not ones that tweak ssh to do 
> it.

Use a full-blown tunnel instead of redirection magic. At home:


modprobe tun

ssh -w 0:0 -C -f \
    r...@work.example.com \

ifconfig tun0 netmask

# Replace with your work subnet.
ip route add via dev tun0

And on the workstation at work:

# /root/ssh_tunnel

# The internal IP of your workstation, on the work network.

modprobe tun
ifconfig tun0 netmask
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

# You will probably not want to trash all of your iptables rules.
# Adjust as necessary.
iptables -F
iptables -F -t nat
iptables -P FORWARD DROP
iptables -A FORWARD -d -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -s -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT \
  --to-source $INTERNAL_IP

This worked fine for me for about a year. Eventually, I gave in and set
up a real-ass VPN with OpenVPN. If you need to access services remotely
often, I would suggest skipping the intermediate step and going straight
to OpenVPN.

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