Dale wrote:

> masterprometheus wrote:
>> Dale wrote:

>> Your motherboard includes a serial port header. The only thing you 
>> is a port like this one :
>> http://www.cablestogo.com/product.asp?cat_id=3543&sku=09480#
> Thanks for the link.  If the mobo does have that when it gets here, 
> be ordering that.  

Your mobo has that connector. You can see it in newegg's pictures.

>> Which coolermaster you picked ? Good luck.
> I picked this monster:
> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119160
> I got it in already and it is nice, especially compared to my old case.

It's a great one. Would be my choice too if I had to buy a new chassis. 
The price is more than you paid for your CPU and you're saying you don't 
have money for a better mobo :) ? Actually paying for a good computer 
case is a great idea, you won't regret. 

BTW something I forgot to mention is that the other expensive gigabyte 
mobo has a dedicated memory (128 MB DDR3) for its integrated graphics 
(called sideport memory by AMD). Not a big deal but it's a nice feature. 

Last, I hope you have a good PSU, don't use a crappy one. If you need 
help picking one, don't hesitate to ask. 

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