Hello everyone,
it's two days i'm struggling to get a decent video quality on a fresh gentoo
i have an ATI mobility HD5650 on a laptop. i've set VIDEO_CARD="radeon" on
/etc/make.conf and emerge xf86-video-ati and radeon-ucode
i've also followed hints from here: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/ati-faq.xml
and here: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/dri-howto.xml
and here: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/xorg-config.xml
but i still get a very poor quality on images on the web, and can't run
secondlife (the heaviest 3d program i use)
i'm using the X server with no config file also, eselect opengl list shows
only xorg-x11 in the list.

can anyone point me to an howto or give me some ideas on what can i do to
fix this problem?


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