Hi there!

On my desktop PC, I have set up ssmtp with access data for my mail
server, so things like smartmontools or portage can send me emails.

This is working fine. But there are other PCs in the LAN, which I would
also like to get status emails from. Being not the only one with root
access there, I do not want to duplicate the ssmtp setup because of the
password stored in ssmtp.conf.

Is there an easy solution? Like setting up a simple SMTP server on my
desktop PC, that accepts connections from the LAN and forwards mails to
my external mail server?

I once had courier running, but did not really understand the
configuration, and would not really like to set it up again. Or dovecot,
which I heard good things about, so I would prefer it now. But maybe the
default configuration only needs few changes for my purpose? Or maybe
there is another simple tool that does just what I want?

It's nothing important, so if there's no simple solution, I'll just skip
this and check the logs from time to time.


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