On 01/27/2011 12:53 PM, YoYo Siska wrote:
> BTW, if 
>  - vim has access to X (you run it on your local machine or from 
>    ssh -X or something similar) 
>  - is compiled with X support (check with vim --version | grep +X11)
>  - and you :set mouse=a
> then you can paste by middle clicking in vim (not shift-middle click),
> which should paste the text as is...
> The difference is that with shift-middle click, or with vim that cannot
> talk to X, the terminal sends the selected text to vim as normal input
> (as if you would type it) and thus its get indented/formated/etc.. 
> If you have mouse=a set and vim can talk to X, when you  middle click
> it will ask X for the selection and insert it as is without any
> formatting

Oooh, aaah. Fireworks. This one's going into my .vimrc file....

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