On 1/28/2011 9:08 AM, Bill Longman wrote:
On 01/27/2011 12:53 PM, YoYo Siska wrote:
BTW, if
  - vim has access to X (you run it on your local machine or from
    ssh -X or something similar)
  - is compiled with X support (check with vim --version | grep +X11)
  - and you :set mouse=a
then you can paste by middle clicking in vim (not shift-middle click),
which should paste the text as is...

The difference is that with shift-middle click, or with vim that cannot
talk to X, the terminal sends the selected text to vim as normal input
(as if you would type it) and thus its get indented/formated/etc..

If you have mouse=a set and vim can talk to X, when you  middle click
it will ask X for the selection and insert it as is without any

Oooh, aaah. Fireworks. This one's going into my .vimrc file....

You might like one too.

cmap w!! w !sudo  tee % >/dev/null

When you forget to sudo vi you can use w!! which pipes writing the file though sudo. You get some term gunk, but it does work.


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