
So looking at the handbook, I was wondering 
why it does not describe how to use Disk Labels
during the installation process. Dunno.

So I poised this question on gentoo-doc
and got this encouraging response from *JOSH*

Some discussion on modifying the Gentoo Handbook to describe 
how to use Disk Labels is warranted? Many have switched to 
disk labels in fstab. Maybe the Gentoo handbook should include 
a section on disk label usage to prepare for the future?

and  Josh replied:

These aren't needed to get a system up and running. Yeah, Ubuntu uses
them for various ID purposes, but nothing really critical. Unless
there's a clear need for them, for example if some package in the
@system set will use them in a way that our users will see, I doubt
the handbook needs to cover them. Adding labels using udev just seems
very finicky and time-consuming, and doesn't seem like it would be of
much utility when users are already swamped with everything else the
handbook asks them to do.

If someone's willing to provide the text, then sure, I'll consider
adding it to the handbooks, but if not, then I won't spend any energy
trying to write something up. Things like GPT for hard disks are far
more important, now that the large-size disks are shipping with it
rather than the old MSDOS partition arrangement..

So, I  opened up a bug on disk labels and the handbook, hoping
that knowledgable users I will post to this bug # 354229.


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