Joost Roeleveld wrote:
On Thursday 10 February 2011 06:31:12 Dale wrote:
Neil Bothwick wrote:
On Thu, 10 Feb 2011 12:00:24 +0200, Petri Rosenström wrote:
If you use vi(m) you don't have to type too much neither. Just use

:r!blkid /dev/sda in vi(m) and you have the UUID, with some

information, but the rest is just vi(m) magic.
None of which makes fstab any more readable. UUIDs are the worst option
in this respect, although they do allow disks to be moved around.
Filesystem labels are the best option for readability and not only do
they allow disks to be moved but also individual filesystems.
When I switched mine, I looked into the UUID option but never could
figure out how to tell which is what.  I have /boot, /, /home, /portage
and /var but how do you get it to tell you the number for say /home?  Of
all the stuff I read, I never did find that.

I agree tho, using the plain labels are easier to understand.  Even I
got that right.  ;-)


:-)  :-)

Thanks to the email from Petri Rosenström earlier, I finally figured it out.
If you know the current /dev/.... for it, use:
blkid /dev/....
That will give you the UUID :)


Kewl !! That works. Wonder if I should try this way out. See if I can mess this up. o_O


:-)  :-)

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